Watch order of the phoenix movies32
Watch order of the phoenix movies32

I need to visualize Alan Rickman as Snape (even if I use my own "oily" voice) in order to properly assign my anger to his actions. In other words, for the pivotal characters of the books, the actors cast to play them on film become extremely important to my later enjoyment of the books. Gambon's voice even matches more closely the description Rowling herself gave the character, but I still use the somewhat breathy delivery that Harris used. I use the voice Richard Harris gave to Dumbledore (in the first film, moreso than the second) when I read aloud, even though I appreciate the visualization of Michael Gambon more in the films. This is not to say that my mental/vocal images from the books always synch up with the casting of the films. Likewise, I can use some of the characteristics of Dame Maggie Smith's Minerva McGonagall, as she will always be whom I envision as that character. My voice gets sore quicker when I do that, but Coltrane is my visualization of Hagrid and always will be. (Once an actor, always an actor.) For example, I use Robbie Coltrane's gravelly delivery whenever I voice Hagrid. Woody and I are wont to do when we want some together time. I even try to use some of their vocal characteristics whenever I read the books outloud, as Mrs.

watch order of the phoenix movies32

As a fan of both the books and the movies, I quite naturally visualize the characters using the actors who portray them as I go back and re-read the books.

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The one that makes me most nervous, however, is the actress who will portray perhaps the pivotal character of the fifth book, the hideous Dolores Umbridge. I've seen photos of most of them now and they look like they'll fit their characters just fine, thank you. Actors who will portray Nymphadora Tonks, Bellatrix LeStrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and even the batty Arabella Figg have been announced. Thus it is with great interest that I read today of the casting of key roles in Order of the Phoenix. I may not let the Woodyettes see it for about ten more years, but I'm sure they'll enjoy it when I ultimately give in and remind myself that they really are growing up faster than I care to admit. I even thoroughly enjoyed Goblet of Fire, even though many fault the film for trying to cram too much into too little time. The stories still hold my interest even after multiple viewings, just as the books can still entertain me after about the twentieth read-through. Say what you will about each director's style and technique, I find that I can easily transition from film to film without skipping a beat. Deal with it.Īnyway, for good or evil I also happen to be a big fan of the movies. Yes, I know, this makes me a pathetic old man. But not too quickly, since we know this is the last of the Potter story and will then have only the seven books to hold our interest.

watch order of the phoenix movies32

Rowling to for pity's sake hurry up and write Book Seven. We breathlessly join the multitudes who beg J.


Woody and I first became acquainted with the series we have followed it like religious acolytes waiting for the next saintly image to appear in someone's breakfast food. Being, as I am, in touch with my Inner Dad, I am not ashamed to admit that I am a hard-core Potter-phile.

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